Friday Mar 14, 2025

Ex-chief secretary calls for new law to protect civil service

Ex-chief secretary calls for new law to protect civil service

Former officers of the executive and politic service have prompted the new government to ordain a Public Services Act to avoid political hindrance in movables to the professional civil service.

The offer was contained in an open letter to Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim from the executive and Politic Officers Alumni AssociationThe association also called for a review of hires and gratuities for those serving in the administration and in the public services, Bernama reported.

The remuneration and packetpackages should be commensurable with the applicable jobs, qualifications and performance while still being affordable to the government, said former principal clerk Abdul Halim Ali, who’s chairman of the associationThe association comprises former executive and politic officers, the most elderly of those in the civil civil service. Halim, a former elderly career diplomat, served as principal clerk to the government the professional head of the civil service – from 1988 to 2001.

He said the new law would help produce a professional civil service with a clear delineation of functions, power and authority between the administration and the civil service.It’s of vital significance to avoid any political hindrance in public service movables , as well as in executive and fiscal operation, especially in the award of contracts.

inspection findings point to constant leakages and substantial losses incurred by the government due tonon-adherence to fiscal standard operating procedures as a result of similar hindrance, ” he said.Halim said all registers- general of ministries and heads of departments must be allowed to perform their functions and fulfil their liabilities without fear or favour.

He said the association also wanted a comprehensive institutional and organisational review of the civil service to be accepted by the new government in light of rapid-fire technological changes, the digital revolution and global megatrends.

Halim said the new government and the civil service must work in tandem to reaffirm the practice of good governance through reviewing the General Orders, Financial General Orders and other applicable rules and regulations in the spirit of “ Bersih, Cekap dan Amanah ” – the watchword used by the Dr Mahathir Mohamad government of the 1980s and 1990s.

The association also recommended that every civil menial take an Pledge of Service as evidence of their commitment towards good governance and integrity and that both the administration and civil service be completely committed to fighting corruption, which was a serious concern among Malaysians.

On the profitable recovery process, Halim suggested that the government and the civil service work together to break problems similar as the rising cost of living and the lack of jobs.The new government must also be more serious about austerity measures and give precedence to perfecting the public service delivery system.

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